Career Questions Students Ask The Most (Part 7)
(or Should I Really Become a Tattoo Artist?)
By Michael T. Robinson
President and Chief Career Counselor
24) How much education do you really need?
Easy answer. You should get at least a Bachelor (4 year) Degree. These are BSxx and BAxx, for Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts.
In many fields, a Masters Degree (2-3 more years) is required. Normally these degrees looks like MSxx or MAxx.
In some fields, a Doctorate Degree - Ph.D. is required.
25) Who Should Not Go To College?
The world is getting to be a much more competitive place. A college degree can help anybody get ahead.
However, some people are not going to be able to get a degree in which case, getting vocational training is the next best path to take.
I know people who have done very well for themselves as a trades person. For example:
- Electrician
- Plumber / Pipe fitter
- Auto mechanic
- Cosmetologist
However in general the trades will not pay as much as positions requiring a college degree.
Plus, your range of opportunities and the ability to advance is much more limited when you do not have a college degree.
And I can tell you from observing friends and colleagues who didn't have a degree. They were really pissed off, insulted and hurt when they saw others get promoted over them, just because the other person had a degree.
But if you know that being an auto mechanic is your mission in life, then maybe you should go for it.
If you do go for the trades, try to find one protected by a union. They can help you find work and they can offer some retirement benefits. They also offer medical benefits which become very important as you get older.
26) How important is going to a brand name, top tier school?
Wow. In the eyes of a hiring manager, when a person's resume says MIT, Stanford, Cambridge or Oxford, they will be impressed. Have no doubts.
If I'm hiring an engineer, and one has a degree from MIT and the other has a degree from a school I've never heard of, or an online school, I'm going to be much more likely to hire the MIT grad.
Employers and hiring managers do look at the reputation of the school you went to. Some schools have a reputation as party schools. Other schools have a reputation for academic excellence.
It shouldn't be a surprise that Google and Yahoo were started by students at Stanford and Facebook was started by students at Harvard.
Plus, the power of the personal connections you make at the top schools will be a level above what find at 2nd and 3rd tier schools.
So try to get into the best school you can afford and get accepted into. It will pay off.