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Career Questions Students Ask The Most (Part 2)

(or Should I Really Become a Tattoo Artist?)

By Michael T. Robinson
President and Chief Career Counselor Inc

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2) What is the definition of Career Counseling anyway?

Usually when you seek out a career counselor it's because you want help deciding on a career direction, or a field of study.

Basically you are trying to plan your future and this can be very hard, because you have no idea what your future might look like.

So it takes a very intuitive and strategic person, who also knows careers, to help you create a vision of your future.

This I would say Career Counselors are people who help others discover what they want to do with their lives, their careers etc. Career Counselors can also help you fix and improve your career, once you have a career.

3) What is Career Coaching? How is it different than Career Counseling?

The two are different.

I see Career Counseling as having to do with envisioning and selecting a new career direction. Whether you are 13 years old and it's for your first career or you are 40 years old and you want to change careers. That is Career Counseling.

Career Coaching to me has more to do with one's individual performance and level of success.

Think of a gymnastic coach who wants to get his athlete to the olympics.

Career Coaching assumes you already have a career, but you want to accelerate your success rate. Maybe you want to achieve a promotion, improve your work relationships, or figure out how you are unconsciously sabotaging your own career.

Career Coaching may also deal with getting a new job or changing jobs. We advise people on how to go about finding a job.

Executive Coaching is yet another level. It's for people who are already successful but who want to really shine and achieve major advancements in their career. We have a coach here who does the Executive Coaching.


4) If I were to want to contact a career counselor again, could I have a name, and contact information?

At, I (Michael T. Robinson) do most of the coaching, but we also have other coaches that can help.

If you want career counseling, all you have to do is place a career counseling order on-line and we will contact you to set up the first session.

We do it all over the phone, over email and over skype when its international clients.

My email is: Michaels Email

Unlike many career counselors we do not have a brick and mortar office. Instead we work over the internet, phone, email and when it comes to international clients we use Skype.

This way we can help people around the world, not just in our local neighborhood.


5) If someone was in need of Career Counseling, what would a Career Counselor do for that person?

A Career Counselor knows how to ask the right questions such that they can lead the client through the process of discovering what they really want to do with their life.

When you are done working with a Career Counselor, you should have one to three good career options that you can choose from.


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