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November 2012 Newsletter Vol 12-6

See How Your Personal Values Impact Your Job Satisfaction and Success

Explains why knowing your career values is so important to your job satisfaction, your success, and your peace of mind.

Introduces the online version of the Knowdell Career Values Card Sort.

August 2012 Newsletter Vol 12-5

How To Help Students Discover Their Best Career Choices

How teachers can facilitate the Career Planning Self Discovery Process in their own classrooms, thus preparing their students for a great career.

July 2012 Newsletter Vol 12-4

What Are Your Most Important Skills?

April 2012 Newsletter Vol 12-3

How To Get Along Better With The Boss

February 2012 Newsletter Vol 12-2

How To Write The Perfect Resume

January 2012 Newsletter Vol 12-1

About using The Strong and the MBTI to pick your new career direction.

Google Does 2nd Case Study on Michael T. Robinson and

On May 14, 2011 the advertising group at Google published a second case study about how generates revenue using Google AdSense, and how CareerPlanner uses this revenue stream to fund the development of new products and additional marketing campaigns.

The Google AdSense team told Michael Robinson that as they travel around the world teaching people how to use Google Ads, they've been using as the prime example of how to do it right. In February 2011, at a Google Adsense seminar in San Francisco they showed screen shots of to the entire audience.

For companies in the internet field, Google is the mothership and to have them take notice is something quite special.

December 2010 Newsletter

May 2010 Newsletter

March 2010 Newsletter

January 2010 Newsletter

Google Does Case Study on - November 2009

In September 2009, Google began a case study on

Google interviewed founder, Michael T. Robinson, with regards to internet marketing, building web traffic and generating revenue using Google AdSense.

The interview took place at the Google campus in Silicon Valley. Being invited to Google was quite an honor for Michael because Google is essentially the Mother Ship for anyone who works in the Internet field.

February 11, 2009 Email to All Subscribers

November 2008 Newsletter

what color is your parachute 2009
November 2008

CareerPlanner is proud to have our Career Test recommended once again by world renown author, speaker, and career coach, Richard Bolles.

Our Career Test is recommend on page 242 of his perennial best seller, "What Color Is Your Parachute? 2009."

We are also proud to have been listed in these prior editions: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.

Star-Ledger - 9/12/2008


Patriot-News - 7/8/2008


 Wall Street Journal - 11/16/2006    


Seattle Times - 7/24/2005


Courier Journal - 3/23/2005


wall street jountal logo 
Wall Street Journal - 7/6/2004   

April 2004

Jennifer Reingold, writer and researcher for "Fast Company" magazine quoted Michael T Robinson, of in her April 2004 article about the damage "OffShoring" is doing to the American economy.

Jennifer's article literally puts a face on the offshoring dilemma, by photographing over 40 Americans who have lost their jobs to India and China.

Jennifer used information provided in two of our articles:

Top Jobs for the Future

The Offshoring of America's Top Jobs

Jan 2004

Richard Bolles's classic "Job Hunters' Bible" the most well recognized career planning book ever developed recommends our Career Test.

Closer observation reveals that many of the Career Testing sites recommended in earlier editions have stopped offer their online career testing services to the public, preferring to service large organizations., one of the original on line career testing sites continues to offer services to individual job seekers and career searchers.

Jan 2003

We are honored once again to appear in Richard Bolles's best selling guide for job seekers and career changers.


Jan 2002
The 2002 edition of Richard Bolles's "What Color Is Your Parachute? A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters & Career Changers?" recommends our Career Test for the first time. Back then it referred to our original web site,, started in 1998.

Richard Bolles's classic career planning manual is updated and re-published annually, something that is quite rare in this field.

You can view Richard's latest works on his web site: