Career Questions Students Ask The Most (Part 3)
(or Should I Really Become a Tattoo Artist?)
By Michael T. Robinson
President and Chief Career Counselor
6) If I wanted a Career Counselor would it cost anything?
It depends.
I always say, you get what you pay for.
It surprises me that even really smart people will hesitate to invest a small amount of money in their career planning.
But if you think how much time and money going to school is going to cost you, and you think of how much money you will make during your career, spending a little bit of money up front so that you do pick the right career makes a lot of sense.
Career counselors that work for Universities will not charge you directly if you are a student there.
But somebody has to pay so the money comes out of the tuition students pay.
We do charge for career counseling. You can see our rates here.
7) Do they give any interest or personality tests?
At CareerPlanner, all counseling clients take 2 tests and each one comes with a report.
The Career Interest Test (CiT®) and Report
The Free Personality Test and the Advanced Personality Type Career Report
Personally, it's harder to help a person without having this information.
8) What career resources do they use when helping clients?
Besides the two tests, we have a "Job Finder" service where you can see who is hiring and what positions they are hiring.
We also have a large list of job descriptions.
Then, because it's important to know what jobs will be in high demand when you graduate, we provide two resources:
1) We provide an article that will teach you to think strategically and to look at the big trends which can change our lives. This article is called Top Jobs For The Future.
2) We provide the US Department of Labor's perspective on what jobs will be in high demand. It's called the Occupational Outlook.
9) Do you have any informational brochures that I could look at?
Sorry no. Our web site is one big brochure.
10) Do you have a web site?
Yes. is one of the worlds largest career web sites.
11) How many people on average would you say want or wanted a Career Counselor?
Actually, very few people know they need a career counselor.
What I have seen is that most people go about finding their career path as if they were trying to escape a dark room with blind folds covering their eyes. They stumble around, bounce off things, feeling their way in the dark until they are lucky enough to find the door.
Some people never find the door.
Others are incredibly lucky and they are drawn to work they love.