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Use Career Counseling To Help Build A Better Career


Our career counseling service will help you:

  • Put your career back on track
  • Change careers to one that is a better fit for you
  • Get practical career advice

Your Career Coach

pic of Michael T Robinson
Michael T. Robinson

Hi, I'm Michael T. Robinson and I built from the ground up, almost 20 years ago.

I do all of the career counseling and coaching, as well as the internet marketing and product development.

My expertise is helping people like you discover what you really want to do for a living. In fact that's my passion and something I'm really good at. That's why I created

We've developed special tools and techniques to help you discover your best career direction. You won't find these tools and this approach to careers any where else on the web, except for those who have copied us.

Sorry, due to our workload we are temporarily unable to accept new career coaching clients.

Here is what most of our career coaching clients tell us they get from their sessions:

  1. You will get a new and fresh perspective on your life and your career.

  2. You will see where you have been, where you are today and where you want to go in the future.

  3. Our career assessments will help you understand yourself much better than ever before. You will learn about what your priorities in life are. You will learn what types of strengths and weaknesses you have. You will learn what type of work you will really enjoy and what type you will want to avoid, and why.

  4. If you are struggling between two career choices, we will help you see a third and probably better choice.

  5. If you are in school and find yourself unsure about your college major, we can help and we will teach you the single most accurate technique for deciding on a career.

  6. If your career is stuck, and you aren't sure why you are stuck, we will quickly help you figure that out.

  7. If you are having problems with your boss or coworkers, we can show you simple techniques for fixing these relationships.

  8. You will learn the one proven technique that you can use to decide if a career or job is right or wrong for you. This method for making the tough career decisions is almost fool proof and you can use it for the rest of your life.

  9. Once we figure out where you want to go, we will lay out a simple step by step plan to get you there.

  10. If it's a new job you want, we will explain what works when it comes to finding a new job and what's a total waste of your time. I'll share with you the method that headhunters and recruiters repeatedly tell me has an ~80% success rate even in a tough economy.

My approach to Career Counseling is different than most.

I'm not a recruiter nor an HR manager, although some of my best friends are. Instead I come from a background of building and creating successful, international, high tech businesses.

So my perspective is more like that of the hiring manager.

As a successful Vice President and CEO for over 30 years I've hired, trained, and coached people for my own organizations in the US, Europe, Taiwan, China, and Korea.

When I hired the right people and put them in the right jobs, we were successful. When I hired the wrong people or put someone in the wrong job, we failed. It's as simple as that. That's how I discovered I had a special talent for helping people with their career direction.

So, although I enjoy working with headhunters and most HR managers, I'm not one. I'm the guy that's more like the boss, except I am a lot more intuitive, more understanding, a much better listener, and I can see how things work and how everything fits together.

Why I Do This Work?

It's immensely satisfying to help a person who is confused and discouraged about their career.

Together, we will discover the work you truly want to do.

We will lay out the next few steps for you to get there. I'll ask you the right questions and I'll listen to you very carefully.

Because I listen so carefully, I'll pick up on the clues that will hold the answer to your problem.

I'll provide strategic insight from your Career Interest Test and your Personality (Psychological) Type Test and the other assessments we provide..

I will drive the discussion towards the point when the light bulb flashes on and we both know what it is you truly want to do.

All without spending thousands of dollars. I don't think there are many others who can do all this within an hour or so.

William W, 28 year old (ISFJ) client from Connecticut says:

Contacting Michael at was the best thing I have done in a long time. I have been in the same dead end job for 10 years and needed a change. At first I was skeptical to contact Michael simply because I was uncertain how helpful an "online counselor" could be, but I figured trying something was better then doing nothing and for $349.00 its worth a shot.

Not only was it well worth every penny, but now knowing how helpful it is, is a small price to pay. Michael has gone above and beyond since the very first contact we had which was simply, "what is your business about". The tests you take are nothing compared to the compassionate help you get when you speak to him on the phone.

Thanks again Michael, Keep up the good work!!

How Long Does It Take?

Most other counselors and coaches like to sign you up for a 3 to 6 month process.

I am far too impatient for that. I want to see results much faster than that.

You can choose packages that include 1, 2, or 4 sessions.

Over 95% of my sessions take place over phone or Skype. We can meet in a coffee shop if you are local.

35% of our business is international.

Depending on the package, your first session will run anywhere from one hour to 1 1/2 hours. Follow up sessions, depending on the package, run from 20 to 30 minutes each.

Typically, we hold the first session a few days after you place your order. This gives you time to take the tests (assessments), read the test reports, send me your resume (CV) and write a short email about what you want to accomplish with your career session.

However, if you need help immediately, you can have the first session within an hour or two of placing the order. So if it's urgent, call me and email me right away. I've done emergency sessions on Saturdays and Sundays. I don't charge extra for that, because I am here to help.

The follow up sessions can occur any time afterwards. Usually after you go off and work on what we discuss in the first session.

Can you really get value from a 1-hour career counseling phone session?"

"Before the one hour was over we had come up with a new career path for me."

pic of handsome young business man

"For the last 15 years I have built a successful career as a sales executive, working for the same company. But during the last few years I found myself hating my job."

"You helped me understand what it was about the job that was killing me. Your questions and career tests reminded me of what I really wanted to do with my career."

"Before the one hour was over we had come up with a new career path for me. One where I don't have to throw away my years of experience."

"Thank you..." John (ESTJ), a 35 year old 1-Hour Career Jump Start Phone Session client from Los Angeles


What's Covered In Your First Session?

My goal for the first session is usually to listen very carefully to your story and then help you identify your top 3 career choices.

However, the session is your time, so we can cover what you want.

But in most cases people want new career direction and by the end of the first session I like to have discussed several possibilities and by listening to your reaction, narrow it down to your top 3 choices.


Then we discuss what action you need to take before the follow up session.

When you are ready, you contact me for the follow up session, and I help you through whatever difficulties you have encountered.

In between sessions we can discuss things via email. It works really well and we can stay connected that way.

Who Uses Our Counseling Services?

  • People who have had already had successful careers but now something has changed and either the career is in danger or it's no longer satisfying.
  • People who are re-entering the workforce after being away for awhile
  • People whose entire industry has vanished or has been off-shored
  • People who are looking for their first satisfying career
  • Recent college grads who are struggling to get their first career going
  • High school students (along with their parents) who need to decide on a college major



"Just wanted to thank you again for the time you spent with me on Monday, and the sound advice on business and career.

In fact, I had a conference call with my boss today, using the approach and phrasing you recommended in our call.

Things went better than I could have imagined!

It appears I will have the freedom to turn over my current position and design a new one much more suited to my personality.

I doubt I would have had the confidence, and certainly not the positive approach to this, had I not met with you first."

From D.F., a 51 year old Chief Scientist / Executive in Austin, Texas.


What's Included?

All career counseling packages include at least two assessments that will help me begin to understand you:

  • This includes the Knowdell Career Values Card Sort (online version) which will tell us what you value most in life and what your priorities in life are at this point in your life.
  • Also included is our Personality Test and the Advanced Personality Type Career Report. This will give us your 4 letter personality type, and will show you the careers that match your type.


Package 1 is meant for those who have a few questions or problems at work or those who are just beginning to think about creating a better career for themselves. It's our entry level career counseling package. Its a good place to start.


Packages 2,3,4 all include our Career Interest Test and the Knowdell Motivated Skills Card Sort, which will tell us what careers match your interests, which skills you prefer to use, and which skills you are burned out on. The skills card sort will also show you your transferable skills which you will want to put on your resume.

Package 2 is for students, either high school or college, who want help deciding on their first career and what they should study. This also applies to those thinking about a trade or a vocation.

Package 3 is for the person who knows they need a career change or help with a career transition of some sort. Maybe something is not going well at work. Perhaps the relationship with the boss is not that good. Maybe you've just been let go. Or maybe you have been very successful but now you are burnt out. Maybe you are stuck and can't figure out why.

Package 4, the "Priority" Career Counseling package provides everything that package 3 does plus two follow up sessions, and total access to me in case things are a bit urgent, and a critique of your resume. This package provides more time and more hand holding and more attention from me.



So How Much Does Career Counseling Cost?

Sorry, due to our workload we are temporarily unable to accept new career coaching clients.

Package 1

One Hour
Career Counseling Package

Package 2

Career Counseling Package

Package 3

Career Change /
Career Transition Counseling Package

Package 4

Career Counseling

  You Choose the Subject Deciding On Your College Major or Your Vocation Career Transition & Visualizing a New Future For Yourself Extra Motivation & Access
Product ID
1st Session
1 Hour
1 Hour
1 Hour
1 Hour
2nd Session
1 Hour
1 Hour
1 Hour
3rd Session
30 minutes
4th Session
30 minutes
Total 1 on 1 Counseling Time
1 Hour
2 Hours
2 Hours
3 Hours
Career Assessments / Career Tests
Knowdell Career Values Card Sort (online version)
checkmark checkmark checkmark
Advanced Personality Type Career Test & Report
Career Interest Test (CiT)
+ Report
Knowdell Motivated Skills Card Sort (online version)
Resume Critique
(worth $150)
Call Me Anytime
(I'll give you my cell phone number and you can call me almost anytime)

Pay Safely with Any of the Options Below
Credit Card Pictures


Affordable, No Huge Up Front Payments, No Long Term Contract

Our service doesn't ask you to make a huge up front payment. Nor does it try to lock you into some long-term contract.

I'll never make any promises related to getting you a job or a certain salary.

But I will happily provide you with specific answers about how to achieve your goals along with constructive criticism of what's been happening to date with your career. And yes, you'll even end the call with homework to get you moving in the right direction.

The bottom line is that it's your career

It's your life. It's your journey. I'm here to provide you the tools, the map, the compass and guidance when you need it.

Everyone needs someone very smart, very knowledgeable, very insightful and very intuitive to talk to.

Don’t struggle through your new career direction alone

This is your opportunity to receive objective career advice. You won’t have to worry about setting off signals at work. Or stressing out a loved one. You’ll get the information you need so you can make a confident career decision.

This is an investment in your future. A future where you’re doing something that fits your personality. And allows you to wake up on Monday morning happy to head to work.

What happens after your purchase?

Once you place your order you’ll be able to take the online career assessments which you should complete before our first session.

Within 24 hours of placing the order you’ll receive an email from me to set a time for your first session. It’s as simple as that.

signature image

President & Chief Career Coach

If you have any questions please feel free to send me an email at Or call toll-free: 1-800-890-2591 California time.



If you want to

This service also help you identify:

  • What happened to your career? We'll identify the root cause of why your current career is no longer working for you.
  • What is it you really want to do?
  • How to create a clear vision of what you want accomplish
  • How to look at the big picture. Where are you now? And where are you headed?
  • What are the next steps you'll need to take to get moving in the right direction?
  • Should you use headhunters and recruiters?
  • How to make sure hiring managers read your resume
  • How to avoid the pitfalls of automated resume submission
  • The number one tip on negotiating a better compensation package
  • Do you need to change jobs or just your boss?

What Fields Do We NOT Cover?

We don't cover the sports or entertainment fields.

Why? Because I don't know anything about them.

What We Can't Do For You

We can't find you a job. No surprise there.

We can show you step by step the most efficient and effective way to find a new job.

But at some point you actually have to pick up the phone or go out and do the footwork.

But you already knew that.





Susan (ESFP), a 36 year old, One Hour Career Jump Start customer from Florida.

36 Year Old Career Counseling Client

"I come from an entrepreneurial family and grew up working in the family business. "

"But with the recession, the two industries I worked in, retail and real estate,are dead."

"I found myself needing to make a career change, because those markets would not be coming back any time soon, especially in Florida."

"The light bulb went on for me during our one hour session, when you showed me that the work I had been doing was really marketing and that I could apply my skill set to other industries that weren't so hard hit."

"I especially liked the step by step advice you gave me to market myself and find a job in another industry."

"Thank you. With this new direction, I'm confident I can now go out and restart my career."


Richard (INTJ), a 45 year old IT professional from Pittsburgh, PA.

Middle Aged  Career Counseling Client

"I had been with the same company for ten years, but two years ago I started to get bored and lose motivation."

"The job was grinding me down. It was a struggle to drag myself into the office on Monday mornings."

"I also noticed that I wasn't being given new opportunities and new challenges, even though my projects were all considered successful and my reviews were pretty good."

"Your diagnosis of the problem was spot on. My responsibilities changed a few years ago, and it was just enough of a change that I was no longer well suited to the work."

"Using the personality test, you showed me the exact type of work I love and the types of work that turn me off. I can't believe I didn't already know this about myself."

"Thanks for shining a light on my career."


Helen (ESFP), a 28 year old One Hour Career Jump Start customer from New York had this to say about her Career Counseling Session:

Young Career Counseling Client

"After getting my Bachelor's degree and working for a few years I became very discouraged because I felt like I wasn't achieving anything meaningful."

"I was working on Wall Street and I think they kept me around because I was the token pretty skirt. But I didn't go through 5 years of college for that."

"You reminded me of why I really went to college and what my dreams were. Then you helped build a vision of my future."

"I really appreciate how you laid out the exact steps I should take to find my next job. What types of companies to look for and what type of work I should do. Thank you very much."


Linda (INTP), a 52 year old One Hour Career Jump Start client from New York said:

Middle Age Career Counseling Client

"I had left a very successful career to take care of aging parents, but now it was time to go back to work. Only problem was that I didn't want to do the same thing. I wanted a career change. But I didn't know what to change."

"Plus I had lost some of my self confidence with the tough job market, my age and the time I took off."

"The One Hour Jump Start Career Counseling Session gave me the push I needed. You helped me figure out a different career path where I could still use the skills listed in my resume."

"Finally, I got a real confidence boost during our discussion because your questions reminded me of all the things I had accomplished."

"Thank you very much. I'm going to recommend you to my nephew who is struggling with his career direction.


William (ENFP) a 28 year old entrepreneur working in his family's business in California:

36 Year Old Career Counseling Client

"I called you on a Sunday, because I was about to go in on Monday and tell the boss (my Uncle) that he was destroying the company with his approach and I was going to quit."

"I couldn't take it anymore. Even though I was destined to take over the business, it wasn't going to be worth it."

"What I liked was that you were able to explain to me why my boss and I had constant friction. By seeing the differences in our personality types, I was able to understand him better."

"I used the techniques you showed me for working with his personality type. I tried them on Monday and we had the most productive meeting in years."


George, Mary and their 14 year old son Robert, from Canada had this to say about the One Hour Jump Start Career Coaching Session they did while Robert was still in high school.

Parents and son career counseling clients

"We wanted to plan for our son's high school and college education, but we couldn't figure out what suited him. Even though we lived with him everyday, Robert, like most teenagers was still a bit of a mystery to us."

"The light bulb went on for us when you interpreted the results of his Personality Test. That's when we began to see what motivated Robert and what he was passionate about."

"Between the test results and your career counseling questions it became clear what our son's true passions were. "

"When you showed us the careers that match him the best, a vision of his future became clear to all of us."

"Thank you. Robert might have stumbled around for years trying to find the right career. With you it only took an hour."


* Testimonials - The true identity has been changed to maintain client confidentiality and privacy.