"INFJ" Themes and Relationships

By Linda V. Berens Ph.D. and Dario Nardi Ph.D.

Personality Type:    INFJ - Foreseer Developer
Temperament:   Catalyst (NF)
Interaction Style*:    Chart-the-Course
Likely Social Style: Analytic

How to use this Personality Type Description

INFJ Snapshot

  • Theme is foresight.
  • Use their insights to deal with complexity in issues and people, often with a strong sense of “knowing” before others know themselves.
  • Talents lie in developing and guiding people.
  • Trust their inspirations and visions, using them to help others.
  • Thrive on helping others resolve deep personal and ethical dilemmas.
  • Private and complex, they bring a quiet enthusiasm and industry to projects that are part of their vision.

Themes and Relationships
for each Personality Type
by Linda V. Berens, Ph.D.
and Dario Nardi, Ph.D.**


INFJ Theme

For Foreseer Developers, life is a process of never-ending personal growth, their own and others’. If something does not produce personal growth, then it is not truly worthwhile. If it does, then it is indeed worth all the effort it takes to make that growth happen. They enjoy problem solving in ways that sustain the vision they have of what can be and who we can become. They devote their lives to honoring the gifts of others, helping them to see what those gifts are and to find a way to develop those gifts.

Taking a meaningful and creative approach to all aspects of life is essential to their well-being. This gives them the inner strength to allow others the space to be themselves and make the choices they make. It is then that their talent for foreseeing becomes painful. The hard part is that sometimes people don’t want to hear all the insights they have to offer.

Interpersonally, exploring issues is important and navigating through all the emotions that make up relationships is essential.

Their thought processes tend to be highly integrative as they frequently become aware of the profound significance and interrelatedness of the many ideas, relationships, and events around them. When they allow themselves the space away from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life, they often are conduits for profound symbols that speak to many. Symbols and metaphors come to them easily as ways to bridge differences and connect people with their potential. Yet they often find themselves engaging in quite practical problem solving, which doesn’t begin to reveal the rich foresight behind the suggestions they offer and the agendas they set.

They live life with such a sense of purpose that they often present a very task-oriented side to the world that belies their more visionary, idealistic side. Such a life often presents them with a great deal of stress, which can cause them to withdraw from others to seek some sort of relief and recharge.

INFJ Relationships

For Foreseer Developers, relationships are about developing potential, their own and others’. They seem to tune in to the essence of the other person and take great pleasure in developing what they see there, usually by focusing on the positive aspects. They have a way of communicating that results in improvement and growth and often are disturbed when the negative is emphasized. They know what impact their words will have and don’t want to say what they can’t take back—always aware of the implications of the communications. They are usually able to manage their own emotions so well, others may perceive them as distant. While they don’t like conflict, they won’t avoid it if it can improve a relationship or lead to growth. Relationships are often forged around suggesting solutions to problems, and they feel validated when the other person finds them catalytic and helpful. They will work hard to avoid conflicts of interest; they must be ethical. It is difficult for them to be in relationships where they can’t be who they truly are. While they may come into a relationship with expectations, they are often willing to change to meet new expectations.

Their close relationships are built on a strong vision of what a relationship will become, emotional intimacy, and shared values. They can be very intense, and their partner may not share their intensity. They can be playful but cautious. Their relationships are generally long and enduring. When the relationship is right, the commitment fulfills their highest purpose and they give it their all. Even though there is a strong empathic connection, there may still be a reserve and there always remains a piece that is private. Paradoxically, they need both solitude and connectedness.

This concludes "Themes and Relationships for INFJ,"
A Personality Type Description.

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**The Personality Type Description shown above is wholly owned and copyrighted by the authors Linda V. Berens Ph.D. and Dario Nardi Ph.D. and is used herein with their permission.

For a complete set of Personality Type Descriptions by Linda V. Berens and Dario Nardi please see: "The 16 Sixteen Personality Types - Descriptions for Self-Discovery"

*Interaction Styles as developed by Linda Berens, is a powerful lens with which to better understand people. For a complete understanding of Interaction Styles see:
"Understanding Yourself and Others, An Introduction to Interaction Styles"

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click here for professional level training by Linda Berens in:
Interaction Styles, Temperament, and Personality Type