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Personality Type

All About the INTJ Personality Type

Merlin the Magician
Magician, Sage, Visionary

General Colin Powell
Secretary of State

Description of INTJs

INTJ's are known as the "Strategist" amongst the 16 types because of their uncanny ability to visualize the future.

Of all 16 types, INTJ's make the best planners and strategists. They can see many moves ahead. They naturally create contingency plans.

INTJ's are hard to get to know and may appear cold until they have time to relate to you.

INTJ's are natural leaders, however they frequently prefer to avoid the spotlight and work in the background.

INTJ's make excellent number 2's in organizations, leaving the top position for the more extraverted types.

What really stands out about INTJ's is their strong self confidence, which to many will look like arrogance.

They have a tendency toward being perfectionists.

Of all 16 types, INTJ's tend to do the best in school and in particular higher education. In many cases they created the curriculum, tests, and the exams.

INTJ's make up only 2% of the population, making them relatively rare.

INTJ's are Introverted, reserved, logical, objective and intellectual.

INTJs prefer careers where:
  • Management allows people to be self directed
  • There are several opportunities to demonstrate competence
  • The culture appreciates fair but tough decision making
  • The work offers plenty of opportunities to make decisions
  • You are able to maintain control over your projects
  • The atmosphere favors the intellectual over the emotional
  • You can apply your natural ability to focus and concentrate, rather than multitasking
  • The environment, culture and pace allow you to consider things fully before having to respond
  • The work allows you to work at a careful steady pace
  • The work involves theory and speculation
  • The work allows you adequate private time to work alone and to concentrate
  • The work involves creativity, imagination and a creative approach to problem solving
  • The work involves looking beyond the present i.e. future possibilities, future products, future actions
  • The work is not limited to what exists today but involves "what may be" and "what could be"
  • The work allows you to utilize your natural ability to analyze and make objective, logical decisions
  • The work allows you to utilize your natural ability to provide others with direction and supervision
  • The environment is more structured and disciplined, being on time and following procedure is considered important

The 16 Personality Types


Careers for the 16 Types


For a complete understanding of INTJs, check out the
"Advanced Personality Type Career Report."

Here are just a few of the things it includes:

  • A full description of the INTJ type and what each letter means
  • The 133 best careers for INTJs
  • The 45 careers INTJs must avoid
  • What drives and motivates INTJs
  • What INTJs value the most in life
  • Specific advice for INTJs for getting along better with other types
  • The natural strengths and weaknesses found in most INTJs
  • What INTJs commonly do to sabotage their career and their relationships
  • What changes in behavior and interests can INTJs expect as they approach mid life

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