Description of ESTPs
ESTP's are the “Promoters” of the 16 types. Naturally outgoing they excel at communicating and persuading others.
Their enthusiasm and aura of excitement is picked up by others who find ESTP's very exciting to be around.
ESTP's like people and crowds, but they won't go too deep.
Because they are logical and objective, they may appear somewhat cold to others.
Focused in the here and now, they are enthusiastic, straightforward and action oriented.
ESTP's thrive on crisis. Give them a new, urgent problem to handle and they will jump right in.
You won't see ESTP's focusing on theory or the future.
You won't see them locked away by themselves behind a closed door, focusing on a single task.
They crave people, variety and excitement. Give them an audience and you will see them at their best.