ISFPs are difficult to know "as they really are" due to their quiet, reserved nature. Their reserve can cause others who do not know them well, to think that they are aloof or not interested in others. But those who are blessed to have an ISFP for a close friend find them to be generous with their time, their talents and their goods. They are truly characterized as loyal helpers. Their feelings are deeply held - whether manifested through acts of deep loyalty to friends, the need for freedom "to do" or "to be" or "to go", or to help those they feel need a helping hand. ISFPs have a need for independence - for they immensely enjoy new experiences, whether in a taste for fashion, foods, travel, emotional experiences [though in a more grounded reality than the Idealist NFs] and relationships. The deeply spiritual ISFP is apt to seek richer and deeper fulfillment through non-traditional experience.
They are very sensitive, although they say little to reveal that propensity. They are extraordinarily kind - even saying "nice things" when they, in reality, hold different opinions than what they are saying. They don't like to hurt anyone. When they do feel compelled to "dress someone down" - even though gently done, it has a great impact for they are so characterized by kindness. As with the other SPs, ISFPs don't really like "do and don't" regimens. While not especially rebellious, they nonetheless value independence and the ability to enjoy their interests in an unfettered way. This makes the regimens of education and the SJ classroom structure laborious for them and will, therefore, not be found in great numbers among those in higher education. Large numbers of them, in fact, quit high school. They prefer to learn by DOING! ISFPs are known to love children and, indeed, many female ISFPs count being a wife and a mother to be a life goal and make nurturing, caring, gentle and generous parents. They can, however, tire of an inattentive mate and take off for greener pastures and exciting adventures. They are numbered among the kindest, most selfless of individuals and the world is better off for their gentle spirits.
This concludes our description of the ISFP personality type.
* Personality Type Description used with permission from the author, Fannie R. Linder, Psy.D.