by: Derek Lidow
by: Peter McWilliams
My favorite book for getting motivated and for discovering your mission in life.
by: Jean M. Twenge, PhD
An analysis of the Millennial generation, based on statistics, surveys and serious research.
by: Jean M. Tweng, PhD
Analysis of the iGen, the generation that comes after the Millennials.
Jung's Function-Attitudes Explained
by: Henry L. Thompson
A short book that explains Jung's cognitive functions, in simple terms.
Lectures on Jung's Typology (Seminar Series) Paperback – July 31, 1998
by: Marie-Louise Von Franz James Hillman
Lectures focusing on Jung's concept of "inferior functions," where our inferiority complexes come from.
Survival Games Personalities Play
by: Eve Delunas Ph.D.
A personality type book that focuses on the four Temperaments, and how each one tends to act out and behave badly due to stress and trauma.
The Alliance:
by: Reid Hoffman Ben Casnocha | Chris Yeh
From the founder of LinkedIn and one of the founders of PayPal, this book reveals how the old concept of "lifetime employment" is being replaced by labor/management relationships that fit better i.e. what the author calls the "Tour of Duty" agreement. Helps explain the gig economy.
The Art of SpeedReading People:
by: Paul D. Tieger Barbara Barron-Tiege
Shows how to determine a person's personality type by observing them.
The Joy of Not Working:
by: Ernie Zelinski
A guide for Type A personalities and others to learn to enjoy not working so hard and not driving themselves so hard.
The Neuroscience of Change:
by: Kelly McGonigal
Tools of Titans
by: Timothy Ferriss
A 2" thick book of very short stories showing how great people deal with life and keep themselves motivated.
by: William Bridges
This book will help get you through life's more difficult changes whether it's loss of a job, loss of a loved one.
Understanding Yourself and Others:
by: Linda V. Berens
Linda Berens, one of the greatest personality type trainers and inventors ever describes the four Temperaments.
Understanding Yourself and Others:
by: Linda V. Berens
Linda Berens, describes the four "Interaction Styles' also known as "Social Styles."
What's Your Type of Career?:
by: Donna Dunning
Shows which careers match which Myers-Briggs personality type. Also includes the Holland Code for each career.