Our Career Testing Technology
Our Career Test was developed to help you discover your ideal career. It is based on the proven "RIASEC" system developed by Dr. John Holland. This technology has been in use for over 40 years.
CareerPlanner.com was one of the first to upgrade and modernize this technology and make it available to the public over the internet.
This is an Interest Based Assessment Tool
Our version of this test technology will reach deep inside you to determine what your true interests are. The test extracts this information and then presents it in a very simple but compelling manner.
Our test will even remind you of interests that were once very important to you but that you may have forgotten.
There are 180 true/false questions that will probe your level of interest and skill levels.
The test will take from 15 to 20 minutes to complete.
This is not an aptitude test that shows how well you do math, writing , reading etc. However it will infer your aptitude indirectly by understanding your confidence level in performing certain activities.
This is not a personality test like the Myers Briggs, however, it will indirectly take into account your personality. For example if you are very shy and introverted you will not be directed towards a career in sales where you have to enjoy meeting new people all of the time.
Thus the CareerPlanner Career Test is a very powerful interest assessment tool that almost magically takes into account skills and personality.
Who Takes Our Career Test?
The test is useful to people from age 13 to 60+, including students and mid life career changers.
Our career test has international appeal as well. We have many satisfied customers from countries such as Canada, Great Britain, China, Pakistan, Spain and India.
The test report will give you insights into the fundamental nature of the careers that are good for you. You can use this knowledge to make career decisions for the rest of your life.
If you have any doubts whatsoever about your career direction, take this test now.
No Forced Answers
Many career tests use questions that force you to choose between two activities and this will distort your results.
For example, the question might ask if you prefer singing to writing poetry. What if you don't like either one? Usually you will be forced to pick one and this can lead to inaccurate test results.
CareerPlanner.com does not use forced choice testing. It also allows you to skip questions if you do not feel strongly about the responses. In this way CareerPlanner.com's career test provides more accurate results than other types of tests.
Frequently Updated To Reflect New Careers
Unlike many career tests, ours is frequently updated to show you new careers that did not exist a few years ago, including: Java Programmer, Web Master, Marketing Communications Specialist, Software Alliance Manager, Network Specialist and more.
The Test Report
Your test report will be approximately 8 to 11 pages long and will includes 30 to 100 careers that match your interests, values, and skill sets.
Depending on which delivery option you choose, your test report will be available in one hour or less, two days, or five days. The one hour delivery option usually is ready within 20 minutes.
The test will show you what types of careers are a good match for you and which types you should avoid. Click here to see sample test reports.
Your test report will explain why certain careers are a good match and why others should be avoided. This will help you analyze any career. You can use this knowledge for the rest of your life.
Further Career Advice After You Take the Test
If you have questions or concerns or you want to brainstorm ideas for your new career, you can email us and we will respond, for no additional charge. We are not an impersonal test processing house. We are not a giant corporation. We are here to help you create your future.
Full Refund if You Don't Get the Results you Expect
We have always offered a full no questions asked refund if you don't get the results you need. Simply send us an email and we will refund the enite amount of your career test. (Only for credit card orders. Does not apply to pay by check orders)
Picking the wrong major and then changing majors part way through college will cause you to waste $15,000 to $100,000 in tuition, room and board. Who knows what job opportunities you missed because you graduated late?
Staying in the wrong job will cost you several years salary as well as countless missed opportunities. Besides, why waste your life in the wrong job?